The spring recruitment 2025 is now Closed!
This recruitment period was closed on Jan 31th!
If you have applied for a position, please keep an eye on your email for interview times once the application period is over and the form is closed.
Spring recruitment period: Jan/Feb
Fall recruitment period: Aug/Sep
Please read through the vacant roles below during an active recruitment period. After that you can fill in the application form in which you can express which roles you'd like to apply to and talk a bit about your background and experience.
The application form has been closed on the 31th of January! You should receive an email regarding interviews shortly after.
Vacant roles:
Team: Freyja Structural Team Member
Manager: Freyja Structural Team Coordinator
Work description
The structural team is responsible for constructing the airframe of the rocket, including but not limited to the rocket body, fins, launch lugs, airbrake system, payload integration hardware, and will also assist in the design and construction of ground support equipment and test rig.
Structural team members will assist in the work of the structural team, contribute with ideas, and even take lead in specific tasks as assigned by the structural team coordinator.
- Attend weekly meetings.
- Active on Discord and any other communication channels used by the project.
- Take part in work that the structural team is responsible for (research, design and manufacturing).
- Write documentation.
- Attend tests and launch.
- Interested in rocketry.
- Willingness to put in the work: ~10 hours per week.
- Woodworking experience.
- Metalworking experience, i.e. working with mill, lathe, welding.
- Experience working with composites, i.e. fiberglass, carbon fiber.
- Familiar with solid mechanics or FEM analysis.
- Experience with aerodynamics analysis. (Working on airbrakes)
- Experience with control systems. (Working on airbrakes)
Team: Freyja Recovery Team Member
Manager: Freyja Recovery Team Coordinator
Work description
A Recovery Team Member is responsible for coming up with innovative solutions for a recovery system, partake in the testing of said solutions, do the calculations needed to choose the right design and do calculations for the safety factor of the chosen design.
The recovery system will cover the parachute to get the rocket safely back to the ground and the separation mechanism of the rocket. The tests are mainly the drop test of the parachute system and the separation test of the rocket body tubes.
- Participate and contribute in the weekly meetings.
- Do appropriate research for each design idea.
- Active on Discord and any other communication channels used by the project.
- Take part in work that the recovery team is responsible for (research, design and manufacturing): ~10 hours per week.
- Write documentation.
- Participate in the tests and launch.
- Do continuous work to manufacture a recovery system that can be in use in May.
- Interested in rocketry.
- Willingness to put in the work: ~10 hours per week.
Educational background in aerospace
Team: Freyja Propulsion Team Member
Manager: Freyja Propulsion Team Coordinator
Work description
The goal of the propulsion team is to develop a hybrid engine to power the rocket for a potential participation in EuRoC ‘24. The development of this hybrid engine is divided into two main parts: combustion chamber and oxidizer tank. This role will be performing across-the-board tasks supporting all subsystems, instead of focusing on a specific one. This equips the member with a good overview of the whole engine, and makes them invaluable for the system integration. This role is also deeply involved in the manufacturing of the various engine components.
- Perform across-the-board tasks within the propulsion team.
- Have a good general overview of all the propulsion subsystems and their integration.
- Take an active part in the manufacturing of the various components.
- Attend weekly meetings.
- Active on Discord and any other communication channels used by the project.
- Write documentation.
- Attend tests and launch.
- Interest in system integration.
- General interest in hybrid rocket propulsion systems.
- Interest in manufacturing.
- Willingness to put in the work: ~10 hours per week.
- Metalworking experience, i.e. working with mill, lathe, CNC, welding.
- Previous experience with any of the hybrid rocket engine subsystems:
- Combustion Chamber
- Pressurization and Pressure Relief
- Oxidizer Fuel Injection
Team: Mjollnir
Manager: Mjollnir project manager
Work description
The propulsion team member of the Mjollnir propulsion team is expected to learn how the propulsion system of the Sindri engine works but not in any detail. The role holder is part of the propulsion team as a general member and is therefore not responsible for any of the parts or subsystems in particular but should however be available to assist another member of the team in discussions and wherever there may be a need for more people in that specific period of time.
This role holder may, after discussing with the team manager, choose to adopt a more specific role (i.e Thrust chamber responsible or CAD-engineer) within the team if needed and suitable.
Responsibilities [List of formal responsibilities]
- Attending weekly meetings.
- Be willing to learn and assist the propulsion team with diverse tasks related to the engine.
- Be familiar with the Sindri engine propulsion system.
- Have an interest in rocket propulsion.
- Good communication skills in english.
- Understand how a hybrid rocket engine works.
- Previous experience using Fusion360 or similar programs.
- Previous experience within 3D-printing.
- Previous experience with manufacturing of metal components.
Team: Mjollnir
Manager: Mjollnir project manager
Work description
The structural engineers are responsible for the construction of the shell of the rocket, also for the recovery system (parachute) as well as the launch site constructions. This role will take part in the design and construction of all of these components that launch the rocket to the sky.
This role will for the most part assist in design and construction of Launch tower, rail lugs and cable raceway. Help with fin reinforcement on the Mjollnir rocket as well as composite work related to the rocket.
Responsibilities [List of formal responsibilities]
- Attending weekly team meetings.
- Write documentation.
- Go to tests and launch.
- Interest in rocket building.
- Good communication skills in english.
- CAD experience.
- Familiar with FEM analysis.
- Previous experience with composite work, manufacturing and/or design of structural components.
Team: Mjollnir
Manager: Mjollnir project manager
Work description
The GSE engineer is a role within the team dedicated to ensuring a safe and effective ground support equipment is being used. The role holder is expected to understand how the ground support equipment works and to know its limitations as to make testing and launch safer for all participants.
The ground support equipment includes, but is not limited to, the launch tower, testing rig, filling system, temperature regulation system of the source tanks and all pressurized systems which will remain on the ground following and during launch.
Responsibilities [List of formal responsibilities]
- Know how the ground support equipment works.
- Be able to help with the parts included in the GSE when needed.
- Help design and manufacture any new parts, should there be a need.
- Attend weekly meetings.
- An interest in general rocketry and rocket science.
- Good communication skills in English.
- Previous experience with pressurized systems.
- Previous experience with safety protocols related to pressurized systems.
- Manufacturing experience with manual, as will as NC machines.
- A solid understanding of mechanical components such as valves.
Team: Mjollnir
Manager: Mjollnir project manager
Work description
A CAD-engineer is expected to use its knowledge within CAD and 3D modelling to primarily aid the propulsion team in making new or updating previous Fusion360 models. With this role the CAD engineer might be asked to fix an incorrectly made model or to make new CAD models as asked by the propulsion team manager.
ÆSIR uses Autodesk Fusion360 for all CAD-related tasks and, as such, the CAD engineer will be expected to know how to use the program swiftly and effectively to avoid time constraints within the project(s).
Responsibilities [List of formal responsibilities]
- Attend weekly meetings.
- Help the propulsion team with models in Fusion360, both old and new, when needed.
- Have a proficient understanding of CAD software such as Fusion360.
- An interest in general rocketry and rocket science.
- Good communication skills in English.
- Previous experience with simulations in Fusion360 or similar programs.
- Previous experience with 3D printing.
- Previous experience with FEM analyses.
Electronics Team
Team: Electronics Team
Manager: Electronics Team Manager
Work description
The software engineer is expected to work with creating and improving software to interact with various rocket systems and controllers. The tech stack is open to discussion, but will involve primarily high-level languages — focusing more on executables than embedded software.
Possible projects include:
- Design of software to control an engine test-bed.
- Design of software to interact with the launchpad controller.
- Design of software to visualize and interact with real-time and post-processed sensor data.
- Attend weekly electronics team meetings.
- Help the electronics team with writing high-level code for various projects related to control and monitoring of on-the-ground and on-the-rocket systems.
- Work with embedded systems engineers to implement high-level interfaces for their embedded systems.
- Document completed work to make it easier for other engineers to understand its purpose and functionality.
- Have a proficient understanding of high-level programming languages, including Python.
- Have some understanding of C/C++.
- Good English communication skills.
- An interest in rocketry and general rocket science.
- Experience with good UI design principles.
- Experience with database tools, including Grafana.
- Knowledge of good software development practices .
Team: Electronics Team
Manager: Electronics Team Manager
Work description
The embedded systems engineer is expected to work with creating and improving firmware to control and monitor various rocket systems. The tech stack is based on Zephyr RTOS, an open-source real-time operating system developed by the Linux Foundation, in collaboration with major industry partners.
To this end, the engineer should have an understanding of how to read circuit diagrams, including knowledge of common components (such as micro-controllers, passive components such as resistors and LEDs, etc.) and how they are connected to each other.
- Attend weekly electronics team meetings.
- Design firmware for embedded systems, using the Zephyr RTOS framework.
- Work with electronics engineers to specify and implement embedded systems appropriate for their use case.
- Work with software engineers to advise high-level interfaces to their embedded systems.
- Document completed work to make it easier for other engineers to understand its purpose and functionality.
- Experience writing C/C++ code.
- Basic understanding of how to read circuit diagrams (e.g. How to Read a Schematic - SparkFun Learn).
- Good English communication skills.
- An interest in rocketry and general rocket science.
- Experience with Zephyr RTOS or other framework, e.g. FreeRTOS.
- Knowledge of good software development practices.
Team: Electronics Team
Manager: Electronics Team Manager
Work description
The electronics engineer is expected to work with designing, creating, and testing electronics for embedded systems — to control and monitor various on-the-ground and on-the-rocket systems. This involves circuit design and printed circuit board (PCB) design using KiCAD, and soldering components to the PCB. The electronics engineer may also be responsible for writing C code for their embedded controller, using Zephyr RTOS.
- Attend weekly electronics team meetings.
- Design PCBs interfacing with rocket control and monitoring systems, including sensors and actuators to enable control and monitoring of on-the-ground and on-the-rocket systems.
- Work with embedded systems engineers to specify and implement embedded systems appropriate for their use case.
- Document completed work to make it easier for other engineers to understand its purpose and functionality.
- Experience with PCB design software (e.g. KiCAD, Eagle, Altium, etc.).
- Basic knowledge of C/C++.
- Basic soldering experience.
- Good English communication skills.
- An interest in rocketry and general rocket science.
- Knowledge of PCB design best practices and PCB debugging techniques.
- Experience with KiCAD.
- Experience with Zephyr RTOS.
- Experience soldering SMD components.
- Experience with Basic 3D modelling.
Business development / PR Team
Team: BizDev/PR Team
Manager: BizDev/PR Team Manager
Work description
A general BizDev/PR member is, as the name suggests, a member of the BizDev/PR team. This gives the role holder a lot of freedom to learn about the projects and works as a great introduction to rocketry in general.
The general BizDev/PR members should be available to help with most of the tasks (i.e. contacting sponsors, maintaining social media, taking pictures of a certain event when no videographer or other member is available).
Responsibilities [List of formal responsibilities]
- Attend PR meetings.
- Assist the team where needed, in which case the task will be provided by the team manager.
- An interest in public relations, social media and photography.
- Being able to communicate comfortably in both verbal and written form in English.
- Previous experience with PR activities.
- An interest in photography.
- Editing experience (both videos and images).
Team: BizDev/PR Team
Manager: BizDev/PR Team Manager
Work description
An ÆSIR videographer is expected to take pictures and videos of occasions when needed for work within the association or for ÆSIR social media channels. For example, at least one videographer is expected to be present during a testing campaign to help with documentation in the form of pictures/videos.
Responsibilities [List of formal responsibilities]
- Attend events where documentation is needed (in which case a manager might choose what needs to be documented).
- Attend PR meetings.
- Provide the association with pictures and videos taken during said events.
- An interest in photography and videography.
- Being able to communicate comfortably in both verbal and written form in English.
- Previous experience with picture/video editing
- Having an own camera which can be used (when/if needed) for association purposes.
Team: BizDev/PR Team
Manager: BizDev/PR Team Manager
Work description
The merchandise responsible is expected to keep track of what merchandise is available to the association and make sure that the supply is representative of the association’s current activities. The role holder should also be conscious of ÆSIR’s budget limitations through good communication with the treasurer.
They are responsible for providing merch for events when needed in the form of stickers, clothing, patches and so forth.
Responsibilities [List of formal responsibilities]
- Attend PR meetings.
- Keep track of ÆSIR’s merchandise inventory and make sure the association can support events (i.e, Union Day).
- Keep good communication with the treasurer to stay informed about budget availability.
- Make sure new merch is made for certain occasions (i.e, shirts and patches for new projects or events) in coordination with the rest of the PR team.
- An interest in inventory management and design.
- Being able to communicate comfortably in both verbal and written form in English.
- Previous experience with Excel, Google Sheets or similar spreadsheet programs.
- Previous experience designing merchandise.
Team: BizDev/PR Team
Manager: BizDev/PR Team Manager
Work description
The website responsible in the PR team is expected to keep the ÆSIR webpage up to date with accurate and appropriate information, images, projects and announcements. All the members of the PR team will decide on changes made to the website however it will be the website responsible to implement said changes. The role holder should also try to implement new functions to the website to make it more appealing for the public and useful for ÆSIR members.
To summarise, the website responsible makes sure to update the website when new information or announcements are to be made to the general public but should consult with the rest of the team on major changes.
Responsibilities [List of formal responsibilities]
- Attend PR meetings.
- Update and maintain the website when needed (for example, for a new project, updating a project description, announcing a recruitment period/event).
- Keep good communication with the rest of the PR team, most specifically the social media manager and PR team manager for new announcements.
- Document how the website functions.
- Have an interest in web page design.
- Being able to communicate comfortably in both verbal and written form in English.
- Previous experience with web development.